Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fabulous Fargo

Ok, actually we were in Minnesota, but we flew into Fargo, so that should count. We had a great trip. It went by so quickly. Our friends showed us a very nice time. We went to a pottery painting studio one night, I painted a pink and purple dragon! The next day we went to a gymnastics studio with all sorts of cool stuff to do like trampolines, foam block pits and swinging ropes. We mostly just hung around the house. I had fun playing with Lauren, she kept calling me "that kid", "Marilyn" and her friend. Mom had fun helping out with Baby Saul and just hanging out and chatting with Leah. I also helped with Saul, I held him a lot and got some good smiles out of him!

We flew back on Sunday, it went to fast. Our flights were mostly ok. The one back to Chicago was crazy bumpy though with the wind gusts over the lake. We were delayed a bit and made our flight to Peoria by ten minutes, but our suitcase did not :(. Although it showed up later that night. So all in all a great trip. Hopefully we'll see them again soon.

I have a busy weekend coming up. Mom and I have a Brownie Lock-In at the church from 4pm Friday until 11am Saturday! Ugh! Mom is not super-excited. I wonder why? What's not fun about being locked in with 30 2nd graders and their Moms, not to mention sleeping in tight quarters with no showers available....should be a wild time!

Ta ta for now. Hopefully we make it out alive tomorrow!



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