Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Word to My Mother

Today was the FIRST Mother's Day since we've been back in the States that we have not been in WI and Dad has not been farming! Yippee! Mom slept in ridiculously late. Just enough time for her to get ready to go to brunch. Brunch is yet another thing Mom has wanted to do but finally got to. Unfortunately, all the posh places were booked up, so we had our brunch at a Sports Bar, but it was actually really good with lots of choices for us kids. After Brunch, we played outside and Mom worked with me on some bead projects, we read a book and practiced my baseball swinging and catching outside. Dad took us swimming for a bit so Mom could have some R&R and catch up on laundry, uninterrupted. Mom would say it has been a great day. I agree. I made her a little, painted, wooden jewelry box at school filled with little memories. Here are a few:

My Mom is special because she makes good crepes
My Mom is special because she gets me cool books from the library
My Mom is special because she takes me fun places
My Mom is special because she makes good food

Isn't that sweet? Mom was just happy finally SOMEBODY appreciates her cooking ;)

Well, time for a busy week at school and looking forward to a trip to WI next weekend. Should be fun at Tara's house as always.

Later my taters


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