Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, January 01, 2010

Hello 2010, Where have you been?

Happy New Year. We had a regular blasty-blast with Tara last night. She has got to be the coolest babysitter evah! She brought silly string, party blowers, a gingerbread house to decorate and balloons to pop (since my Mom is a jumpy spaz and won't let us have balloons) and they're fun too! We had sparkling cider and stayed up to watch the ball drop. It was just great, we're still talking about it.

Mom and Dad had fun, too. Dinner was nice, then Mom channeled her inner Rosemary and won some big bucks on the gambling boat. They got home late, but they were glad to go out and have fun and not have to worry about us. Good thing their friends live next door so they didn't have far to walk home!

Mom got around to uploading some Christmas photos finally, here they are.

Hope your 2010 is off to a great start!


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