Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Notable Quotables

We've been saying/doing some pretty cute things lately. Mom figured we better write them down so they aren't forgotten. Too often the blog is about big events that we'll likely remember, but not these funny small day-to-day things that make us laugh the most.

When Mom was laying down for a "rest" the other day, he brought her all of his stuffed animals to sleep with. But then he came back in the room to announce to her he had a booger... twice. He's unfortunately now in that fun-finger-in-the-nose stage all the time.

He's been telling lots of stories -- mostly about how naughty Kackine is and imaginary stories about his tractors and combines.

His favorite line of all "Because I said so, mama, I SAID SO!". Which is funny because Mom doesn't say that much.

He's REALLY into rocking out on Guitar Hero and playing the keyboard whenever he gets a chance. He likes to go around telling everyone they rock and asking them if they want to be a rock star.

Katherine: "Mom, why is our universe so small?"
Mom: "Well, it is small compared to all of outer space, but pretty big to us"
Katherine: "Duh, Mom, there is no ALL of outer space, it goes on forever, that's why we're so small"

Katherine is really digging into chapter books lately and taking off on her Magic Treehouse series.


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