Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

That's a Wrap

We had our last day of school today. By day, I mean 45 minutes. Kind of silly for the buses to run the kids to school and turn around and run them back home. But it was a technicality and no sweat off our backs. We picked up our "report cards". My progress report was about the same, pretty good all around. We got the results of our latest reading readiness assessments and 1st grade readiness scores. Sure, those are not the official names, but something along those lines. I scored 95% out of 122 questions for the 1st grade test. My reading/phonics skills were about where they were last winter, but still above average. All the worry of last year was finally put to rest. In the end, they went with their gut to send me to school and I flourished like a little flower. So far so good. Now in 10 years when all the "fun" stuff starts, it may be another story. The bus driver told Mom that I was crying on the bus ride home b/c I was sad to be done with school. This, in turn made mom cry and next thing you know, you've got two kids running up the street to the house with a sobbing mother drudging behind them, completely unaware of cars, dogs or whatever. The neighbors probably thought she was crying because she was sad that school was done for other reasons. To the contrary! Mom is super-psyched to have me home. Zach's 3.5 hour naps are nice, but things get a little quiet around the house and she gets lonely. We've got lots planned for the summer and some nice lazy afternoons together are in order.

The picture above was a quick shot...Zach was running the other way, down the road and Mom was just trying to capture those last few steps off of the bus.

What a great year it has been! Oh and since I stayed on the "green light" all semester for good behavior, I get to pick out a toy. It will be something dinosaur related, I can promise you that.



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