Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, May 31, 2009


We went to see Ringling Brothers last night. It was pretty awesome! We all had a great time. Us kids were perfect little angels. Perfect little angels bribed to sit still with $9 sno-cones and $7 boxes of popcorn. But Mom had a $6 margarita, so after that, she really didn't care. Zach's favorite was the motorcycles -- 7 of them in a very small cage going very fast. My favorite were the acrobats. We got to go down to the main floor prior to the show. I got to stand in between some jugglers and get bowling pins whizzing past my head for a minute, cool! Most of the pics didn't turn out well, but that happens in a dark arena. We were all really glad we went and glad we waited to see the Greatest Show on truly was amazing.

Before the circus yesterday, Mom and I went out letterboxing and found two more planted boxes with success. We're hoping to plant one of our own soon -- we have the perfect place picked out. Today, Mom and Dad worked around the house...staining the deck and yard work. My teacher's daughter, Bethany came over to get to know us. We're hoping she will potentially be our future babysitter. It went really well and we had fun with her. Mom and Dad were happy for the 2 hours of uniterupted deck staining. Kind of.

Papa wanted to see pics of our "should have been our vacation" trees. So here they are. Hard to get the two back ones in a single shot, but you get the jist. They are really quite lovely. We had a little picnic under the one today in the small amount of shade it offers. We have these amazing new creatures now in our backyard. Maybe you've heard of them? They're called birds! They hang out a lot more now. Nature is finally making it's way to our house. Mom and Dad were just admiring the hay field behind our house tonight. They really hope the day never comes where some overzealous developers decide to plop a bunch of houses there. If that day does come, hard to say what we will do. Either sell the house or buy up the lots behind us. We sometimes get frustrated living in tight quarters with our neighbors -- as nice as they are. It would be hard to have our backyard privacy infringed upon. At least with the current downfall, that shouldn't be happening for awhile!

Of to bed ! 2.5 days of school left and I'll officailly be a kindgergarten vet. Where did the time go?


Front yard landscaping, but you can't see the tiny little crabapple to the right

Our cleverly planted hornbeam to give us deck privacy sooner or later

Maple #1 behind the swingset

Maple #2...ignore Dad dumping grass in the field....


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

You are so lucky to have that huge yard!
It all looks great.


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