Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tennis Anyone?

I had my first lesson today. It went really well! We're just learning the to hold the racket properly, controlling the ball and taking turns. We used big, yellow foam balls to start off with. I did a really good job "punching" the ball over the net. Mom wants to get one of those small, portable nets now to keep at home. We tried to play in the garage today, but the balls kept rolling down the hill! I love my new racket, it is 19 inches and just my size.

Now if only Mom and Dad could find the time to get out once and awhile and play for themselves!

Summer break is going well. We were going to hit the zoo today, but it was chilly and the line was really long. Instead we went to the store and worked on some writing at home. Mom is having me keep up on my journal that I started at school.

Our weekend was nice as well. Mom took me to the outdoor theater to see Night at the Museum 2. It was cute, but not nearly as good as the first. Since Sunday was rainy, Dad took me to see Up at the movie theater. What a lucky duck I am! Poor Zach had to miss out on both -- they fell during his nap time or bed time. He still had fun though. Lots of outside time on Saturday and he's always extra happy when Dad is home for the weekends. Zach is struggling a bit with having to share Mom's attention now. He is used to getting all of the focus in the mornings. He isn't too keen on having me home, but we do get along really well and I'm sure he'll be back to his old self in no time.

Have a grand ol' week.



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