Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Farmer Fred

While I was working so hard at school today, Mom took Zach to the Farm Park. No hard feelings though, she's going again with me next week on our class field trip. Zach had a blast, he really liked the big pig the best. Mom took him down the barn slide at least ten times.

We finally got 4, big full trees today. Hard to believe we've been in this house for 3 years now. We've got so much done. We'll have to post some before and after pics later. Sometimes it doesn't feel like much, but when you look back and how the entire house and yard were bare bones, we really have managed to turn this place from a house to a HOME.

Have a mah-vu-lous weekend. Dad left for the farm today, we may go up and see him this weekend.



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