Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Mudder like no Udder

Leave it to my Mom to forget the memory card for the camera at home. So, that means no fun pics of our weekend to share, but that's ok, we took pictures with our brains. Unfortunately, I seem to be out of those USB cables that are brain-compatible. We took a few on Nana's camera, but didn't email them back to us, oops.

It was a nice trip. We had a lovely cookout at Tara's house on Saturday. Mom is a new Aldi's convert after eating all the fine fixins. Strawberry marshmallow s'mores are the BOMB! I had the best time with the cousins -- airplane/pony rides from Koller, picking weeds with Cody, hanging out with Carly and helping Tara around the grill. Mom enjoyed the relaxation and conversation and plenty of beer. Zach spent the better part of the day passed out on Papa's lap.

Sunday was short, but sweet. You would have thought it was Katherine Day. I started off the day with cinnamon rolls, played at my favorite park, ate lunch on the INSIDE of a Pizza Hut (a lifelong dream of mine), had Nana buy me some toy horses and topped it off with cookie dough custard at Culvers -- my favorite! Somewhere in there, I did manage to give my Mom lots of hugs and gave her a sweet little letter I wrote for her at school. If she wasn't so lazy right now, she'd go scan it and post it, but that's not going to happen. We enjoyed spending the day with Nana. Zach was a touch illin' still, so he was a wee bit cranky all weekend. He doesn't sleep that well in the pack n' play and he didn't travel too well this weekend either. It was a long haul home and we were happy to see Dad. He finished landscaping the pavers around the light post for Mom, hooray! She planted around it today, hopefully it is almost done. Don't feel too bad for Mom, she made up for it the next day by reading outside in the lounge chair for 3 hours and not doing a touch of housework other than making dinner.

I've got some more wacky testing this week. Other than that, should be a normal week. Proabably off to the farm this weekend if Mother Nature cooperates.



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