Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


No title for the post springs to mind, just a bit of this and a bit of that. Gobbledygook.

Gobbledygook or gobbledegook (sometimes gobbledegoo, gobbledeegook[1] or other forms [2]) is an English term used to describe nonsensical language

There you have it. God love wikipedia. Nonsensical kind of sums it up lately.

Things have been kind of "nonsensical" around here. Mom and Dad are chipping away and landscaping projects. Tiny little bushes, big trees and bags of stuff that are slowly whittling away at any hopes I had of going to college. That's ok, I promised them I'd get a full ride. Seriously though, if you ever have a thought to buy new construction, may I ask you to stop for a moment and rethink that thought. Sometimes, the thought of replacing an old water heater or patching a roof sounds much more appealing than pouring money into something you thought was a done deal. Sometimes. However, I'm sure if Mom was currently replacing an old water heater, patching a roof and fixing cracked walls, she'd be wishing she was in a brand new, sparkly house. Grass is always greener. If you have grass, that is.

On to more chippery things. My weekend was fan-frickin-tastic. I finger painted, I planted a garden, I played outside like, ALL THE TIME and we went to eat at the place where you throw peanuts on the floor. My square foot garden is complete. I picked out peppers, herbs, lettuce and some annuals. It's not quite even, but the 9 squares of my 3x3 conncoction look pretty good. We're going to construct a bean pole teepee and upside down bucket tomatoes next week!

While you are looking up gobbledygook, may I invite you to let your eyes wander down the page a bit to the definition off "goofball". There, you will find my brother. He is a manic chimpanzee on heroin. He's seriously whacked out most of the day. He runs around screaming "wow wow wubzy" and "I a siddy boy mama". He also likes to say "peas mama? peas mama?" over and over but we never can figure out WHAT he wants. He kicks Mom in the chins, runs away from her giggling "he he he" and loves to talk to watermelons and pretend there is a little person inside of them. These are the fun years and he's the last one, so Mom is trying to enjoy it, but man he wears her out. He got a race car driver helmet today that lights up and talks in some kind of Ricky Bobby ala Talladega Nights voice. The thing is creepy. We're setting the kid up for a future of NASCAR and Larry the Cable Guy. He just buzzes around the front yard though, looking like that special kid that always needed to wear the helmet on the playground. The neighbors whisper about us, we know.

I'm getting over another cold, no biggie though. Getting ready for a trip to to WI this weekend. Dad is up at the farm for a few days. He is on "unvoluntary vacation" again for the week. How awesome is it though that you can file for unemployment on line, in your undewear (which my dad does) rather than having to go stand in the "line of shame"? Mom worked him like a horse for 3 days around here and I'm sure Grandpa is working him twice as hard. If you want to see something funny, come watch my dad run a roto-tiller with his boxer shorts hanging out. Rather, the roto-tiller rode him. I think somewhere right now Dad is still girating and vibrating. So many more jokes to make, but this is a rated G blog.

School is coming along swimmingly. Almost done, holy guac! Mom signed me up for tennis, swimming and a zoo program. Should be a HOOT!

Ciao bella, I'm off to bed


Senor hambone

Mom's nook, mulch to come tomorrow


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