Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just a little bit o'Sunshine

Just a little sunshine for you.

Not much to say. I've totally been wanting to play store lately like ALL the time. It's getting kind of obsessive. School is great as always. I can't believe the year is winding up...where did it go? Mom can't even say the words "first grade" out loud yet.

Zach is still up to his antics. Happy boys are boys that get at least 2 hours of outside time a day, that's for sure.

I think we'll be headed to the farm Memorial Day Weekend. They are way behind, it has been so wet up there.

This past weekend was cool, but Mom and Dad had another date night botched due to illness. Time to get a teenager up in here to watch our snarly little selves. Mom and Dad just need to take the plunge. Gulp.

Have a glorious week. Hope the sun is shining wherever you are.


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