Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pirates? Arghhhh you kidding me?

Hello friends. If you are waiting for circus pictures, you'll have to wait a bit longer. We decided to skip the weeknight circus and wait for the Ringling Bros circus that is coming in May. I was upset at first, but I realized it would be way cooler. Dad had a nice birthday. Mom and Z met him for lunch and then we had his favorite for dinner, ribs! No cake though, Mom was out of eggs and the ribs were in the oven all day, so we're having cake this weekend. In honor of Earth Day, Mom and I planted some flower and pepper seeds in some cute, little pots. Hopefully they will grow well and can go in our garden. Dad is going to expand it out this year. Mom just got done tilling it up and cleaning it out. Bad news is our tree and 3 of our bushes are dead. Hopefully we can get them replaced soon and for FREE.

Zach and I had a blasty blast playing pirate in the laundry basket the other day. Mom was busy making Dad's birthday treats, so she threw a couple wooden spoons at us and stuck us in the laundry basket. We lasted for an hour before things got violent. I think Zach got a bad case of the scurvy and was trying to swipe me treasures. I told him he got bit by a shark and he was convinced that he had a boo boo on his leg, which he cried about for 10 minutes.

Oh, and a BIG thanks from Mom to Nana for the entertaining card she sent Dad. If you ever want to see me and Zach fight, just take the card out and watch us argue over who gets to open it. Zach has found his new theme song.

I'm off to enjoy the weather! Later!


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