Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Get Out Yo' Seat and Jump Around...Jump, Jump!

Finally, Zach took off his chicken pants and got in the bouncy house. We had a couple friends over on Sunday and that was what it took for him to get up the nerve to try it. Needless to say, he liked it. A lot. The video isn't really necessary, but it is proof for years to come that he had a blast. Poor Z has had a nasty fever for 2 days now, but he seems to be on the upside of things.

So, speaking of FUN, I'm taking standardized tests at school this week. What's that you say? Standardized assessment tests in kindergarten? Yup. Mom was curious last week when my she noticed my worksheets involved lots of answers where you fill in the circle with pencil. She had a hunch they were prepping us up, all SAT style. Sure enough, we're testing all week in that manner. I came home yesterday, sad to tell Mom that I got ONE wrong. One out of thirty four for crying out loud! She proceeded to lash me with a wet noodle, 34 times. No, Mom was very pleased and told me that it is OK to get a few wrong, as long as I try my best. So I've been going off to bed early each night and eating a giant bowl of dinosaur oatmeal each morning to fuel me up. Mom thinks this all is a bit crazy and strange, but she doesn't really know the details, that's to come next conference.

The art show is at school this week, whoopee! We'll be going up to view Les Galleries sometime this week. I can't wait to show off my creativity.

Have a hoppin' good day.



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