Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gettin' off my Keaster...

...and having a great Easter! We had a nice, but quiet Easter day today. Started off with finding all those stinky eggs that the bunny hid. They were tricky this year! I helped Zach out. He colored his first eggs yesterday. He loved his little eggs so much, a little too much. He broke most of them from squeezing them too tight. He had fun putting stickers on them. I cried when we peeled them today, I always do. After we found our baskets, Mom and Dad let us gorge on candy before breakfast, that was fun! We went out on a letterboxing mission after that. We spent most of the time, driving around trying to find the right park. We never found the two parks we were looking for, but we did find one box off of a road that overlooked the river. We tried another one down by the river, but the area was too flooded to access it. At least we got one good one! Maybe soon, Mom and I will try planting our own box for people to find. We came home and had a late lunch. The lamb Mom made was horrendous -- very gamey tasting and nasty -- nothing like the lamb we used to love in France. Good thing we didn't have company, because dinner was a bust. After lunch, Dad hid some eggs for us outside. We came back in, watched a movie and chilled out for the rest of the day. I was sad that I didn't get to see any extended family today, but I did say that we had a very eggcellent day.

Yesterday was a nice time for us as well. Mom took me to an outdoor egg hunt at the mall. It was mayhem, but I threw some elbows and scored quite a few eggs. They had an indoor carnival complete with rides and games. We're fortunate that we have activities like that around us to keep us busy. Dad and Zach got back in the afternoon. Zach had an awesome weekend farming with Dad and spent a lot of time in the tractor. He is SO happy to just run around out there and "help" Grandpa fix things. Because you know at the farm, things are always breaking, especially when Dad is around :)

I have one more day of Spring Break left then it is back to school on Tuesday. Mom keeps saying what a nice break it was. This was kind of our "test" week to see what summer break will be like. I wasn't bored at all and Zach and I got along really well. Mom says it is such a treat to have me home because I help out with him so much and keep her company in the afternoons. Hopefully this summer goes equally as well! I like feeling useful and loved around here :)

Hope you had a Hoppy day. I'm off to crash! HERE are some pics from the weekend.



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