Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In the Dark

Good afternoon! It's been a pretty quiet weekend around here. Just the way we like it. Ok, just the way everyone but Mom likes it. She gets stir crazy after about 4 hours.

Dad got back from the farm last night. He was SO excited to hear how Mom and I wanted to flip the ol' breaker switch for earth hour last night! I mean REALLY excited. So at 8:30, we lit some candles, built a tent and hunkered down to live all primitive-like for an entire hour. Our intentions were good, but water in the basement is NOT good, so we did have to flip the switch for the sump pump after about 15 minutes. And, I wasn't feeling too well, had a fever, so I wasn't too excited and just laid on Mom the whole time. It was neat and even though we know we're not going to cure the world with one-hour power outages, it does send a good message and raise awareness. The biggest hassle was having to reset the clocks. We usually don't have the television on until after us kids go to bed, so it really wasn't that different for anyone, other than the candles. We did find out that one surefire way to entertain Zach for an hour is to give him a flashlight and turn off the lights. The kid was like a jedi knight with his lightsaber, or a ninja or something. He was crazy!

Yesterday, Mom and I took advantage of Zach's naptime to finally put together this giant, wooden velociraptor skelton that I won at school a month ago. It was very time consuming, but fun and we pretended we were real paleontologists. We also went to the Easter Bunny Breakfast at the firehouse yesterday. Zach was terrified of the Bunny, we knew he would be. I had loads of fun, did some crafts and got my hands painted. We then went to the library and McDonalds. What a treat! Mom sure knows how to make a fun day for us, at least she thinks she does!

My fever is still touch and go. I played outside in the snow today (crazy) and did ok. We may go to a movie later, we'll see how the day goes.

Hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying what could be the last blanket of pretty white snow for awhile!


Dinosaur projections on the ceiling


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