Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Bashful Boys and Birthday Fun

We had a fun little weekend trip up to Grandma D's. Her birthday is Monday, but we decided to go up on Saturday to spend some time with her. Grandpa got her a Wii and Wii Fit, so we helped her set it up and break it in. Uncle D and family also came. We had a nice lunch together and I had so much fun with Benjamin. He is walking already and is only 10 months old! He's always smiling. Zach is not sure what to think about him. Zach knows not to hit babies or be mean to them, so whenever Benjamin tries to play with him or be close to him, Zach just covers up his face and cries. You can see in the photo, he wasn't too happy to have Ben sitting next to him. He's the same way at playgroup. He likes babies from a distance, but once they get close to him, he isn't so sure.

We came back home today. Grandma was glad to have us there and enjoyed the cake we baked for her. I decorated it with the pretty orange flowers. Hopefully she is having fun with her Wii and practicing up on her bowling for me.

Our letter friend this week is *finally* the letter "K". I've been waiting all year for it! I get to wear a special letter friend badge this week and was the helper on Friday since I am the only "K" kid in the class. I'm pretty good at writing my Ks, so I've got a bit of an advantage there.

Pretty routine week coming up here. Hope you have a good one!


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