Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, August 03, 2007

Up, Up and Away!

I wanted to show off my kite I made. Do you see it up there? It was my idea to hang it on my mural, I thought it looked very at home there. I made the kite with some tissue paper, ribbon, bows and glue. The tissue paper tearing was really good for me since I have been working on some fine-motor skills. If I am going to start kindergarten next year, we have to keep working on my motor skills since I will be one of the youngest ones.

Zach and I went with mom to the beauty parlor-salon-shop-place today. We were so good. I played with the toys and Zach flirted with the ladies. There is a cafe in there, so I had some cookies and milk at the little table. Bridget cut my hair too, just a smidge. I have to look just perfect for my show tomorrow -- zoinks! I am a little nervous!

No nap today, mom wants me in bed early tonight so her and dad can watch a movie. I need to go outside now, mom is cooking up a big batch of BBQ sauce and it smells like a Memphis smokehouse in here - blech, just a hot dog for me, please!

A-B-C ya!


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Who did that mural? It's awesome!

At 9:06 PM, Blogger April said...

Her cousin Tara did it last year. She's for hire :)


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