Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Oh Say Can You See?

I had a great time last night. There were a lot of people, but we managed just fine and found a good place to sit. Zach didn't flinch a bit and watched the whole show with me! It was pretty cool. It was my first Nat'l Anthem and I thought that was pretty neat how everyone sang together. The only downer was waiting for an hour in the parking deck, trying to get out, but I think that bugged Mom and Dad more than us kids.

Today, Mom and I played in the new sand area Dad filled up under my swingset. I made a volcano and dino caves! Later, we had a picnic in the backyard and I thought it was so cool to put out food for the ants and watch them carry it. One little guy carried a tiny wisp of string cheese through the grass. Oh! And there are some baby birds under our deck. They are doing well and I don't mess with them. But when I walk by they tweet at me like I am their mommy, they're so cute.

Hope you had a great 4th and maybe even a long Holiday weekend if you are lucky!


A little nervous


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