Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, August 02, 2007

All about the bows and the dough....yo.

Hey there. I've kind of been busy this week. This is the first day we've had to just hang out and ch-ch-ch-chill. Literally. We aren't leaving this house today and going out into the inferno. Art class wrapped up this week. It was awesome and I am asking when I can start French. After gymnastics yesterday, we went to the sprinkler park with some friends and had a blast. I had to do my business though, and commented to mom how I wished I was a doggy right about now. There were no bathrooms in sight, so I had to improvise in the back of mom's vehicle...TMI, I know. We stopped at some lady's house called the Bow Mama, she hooked us up with a wide variety of bows. Mom has never been one to gussy me up too much, but she bought one to match a leotard I have and I asked for more, so there you have it. Speaking of that leotard, it is for my gymnastics extravaganza coming up Saturday. I get to perform at a shelter/band shell thing. I hear that's just one step under a routine schtick in Vegas. I am excited to perform my obstacle course to the crowd of dozens!

Zach is doing well. His 6mo birthday came and went and mom didn't notice till the next day. Bad mom. Mom's really been a little careless lately. Maybe it is because Zach is STILL getting up at night, thinking he needs to eat and breaking mom's spirit. The kid eats more than me in a given day....3 meals of rice/fruit/veg and his milk. So mom is holding strong and doing everything but giving him that early morning bottle, but sometimes it takes a lot of rocking! Mom let him have a pancake last night, probably not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, but with the 2nd one, you are just happy if they are content, and that pancake was FULL of contentment. And mom's a nurse, so hopefully she still remembers a thing or two if things went awry.

So our day indoors was put to good use. We made some homemade play-doh in a variety of colors. Mom's stainless steel pots may forever taste of it, but that's ok, it was great fun and kept me busy for 3 hours with my gianormous box of cookie cutters.

I am off for a siesta and then maybe I can talk mom into letting me run through the sprinkler. I guess that's it for now. Oh yeah, no baseball game last weekend. Mom bought me a 25 cent ziploc bag of tiny rubber bugs at a garage sale, and I said I rather stay home and play with them. Mom wasn't so happy, but what could she do? Maybe some other time :)



Poor pancake didn't stand a chance

Mom's naptime chore

Sitting pretty


At 11:52 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Hey Lady- I don't have your email but wanted to pass on this much better granola recipe than the other one I posted- Did I post the actual cereal granola recipe? Too tired to recall. Anyway, here is a great one


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