Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I Found my Christmas Easter Basket!

I had a very nice first American Easter. I don't think France can compete with the Americans when it comes to a commercialized Easter. The candy alone is something amazing! I had fun dying and finding eggs. That bunny was pretty tricky and we almost didn't find them all! He left me a really cool basket with a kite, some markers, a memory game, seeds for my garden and CANDY! I have to watch my candy around mom, she tends to be sneaky. Zach got into the spirit of things by sporting his new bunny hat from Aunt Corrie. Corrie, Ashley and Katie all came to see me yesterday. So did Aunt Debbie. It was so nice to have visitors and catch up with everyone. And they all spoiled Zach and I with gifts and goodies as well. I think we're going to stick around a couple more days and try to see some more people and just enjoy the change of scenery. Zach had a nice first Easter and was a lot happier later in the day after he finished up his "project" he'd been working on all morning. He didn't have any candy, but I think I saw mom dip his pacifier in whip cream once or twice. Dad was here for the day, but he had to leave tonight to get back for work.

It's bed time for us. Hope you had a fabu Easter and ate lots of goodies.




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