Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Caught One!

We *finally* caught Zach smiling on camera this morning. Either our camera is too slow or he smiles too fast, because it sure took long to get one that worked! It has been a bummer of a week around here. I am STILL coughing, but I do feel a bit better. Zach started with a low fever the other night and because he is so little, the doctor had us bring him to the hospital for some blood and urine tests. We knew it was just a cold, but we had to make sure nothing bigger was going on. Everything came back fine and he is better now. It was not a fun experience though and mom doesn't EVER want to go back to work and poke little babies like that. Fortunately, the doctor did not make him have a spinal tap and IV antibiotics, because that is normally what they would do. He had his 2mo appt yesterday and everything else looked fine. He is just shy of 10lbs and has his tummy issues under better control now. I am going to try to go to school today because it is my turn to bring snack and I think I'm driving mom a little batty. I better go get cleaned up. Sorry no pics of me, maybe later!


Flirty eyes


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