Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, April 02, 2007

Good Hygiene is for the Firstborn

What a weekend! I kept pretty busy and tried to stay out of trouble. It seems I've been getting into a bit more of it than usual lately, but that is for another post, another day. Long story short, all my dinos are taken away for the day. We won't go into details, but I am pretty remorseful about it.

In other news, Dad and I picked out a coolio swingset yesterday. But they are out of stock, so we are hoping more come in this week. Hopefully, he can put it up after Easter. It's pretty darn huge and looks like a ton of fun.

Speaking of Easter, Mom and I have been busy working on some egg-citing crafts lately. On Friday, we made some egg-pots for my little beansprouts to grow. All Mom had were some dried beans, so we'll see if they actually grow anything. I had more fun decorating them than anything. On Saturday, we made a giant paper-mache dino egg! There is even a little baby dinosaur inside. Hopefully it will be dry later and we can paint it. We also made a humpty dumpty finger puppet, but I don't know where he went off to. Maybe he is sitting up on a WALL somewhere....ha! Today was playgroup and the weather is awesome. Too bad I have to take a nap and miss some of it. I am sentenced to a lifetime of naps now after my little "incident" last night. Boooo!

Zach is doing alright. He's going to get his shots on Wednesday. Hopefully he'll be un-crabby by the time our trip to WI rolls around on Friday. We found something we have in common today; he likes to suck on my finger and I think it is fun because it tickles. I washed my hands first and only managed to gag him once. I think we found a new game to bother mom...hehe!

Have a good one!

sticky icky mess

What happens if I do this?

Mmmm...sugar fingers.

Zach was feeling very boisterous in his gym today


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