Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, January 11, 2007

She's Gonna Blow!

For everyone that wondered early on if mom was "big enough", she's making up for it now -- as her shadow clearly doesn't lie! We hope that's a little baby human in there and not a little baby elephant! We got to take a peek at baby bro yesterday and they guess him to be around 5# 13 oz. And he had some hair that could be seen on the sono as well. I liked watching him hiccup! Looks like I may be a big sister sooner than we planned. Nothing is for sure yet, but he could be here as soon as next Tuesday! Unfortunately, mom may not be able to carry him much longer, so if his lungs are mature enough, he may come out next week at 36 weeks along. Mom has to get some more tests done first. We're ready for him, we just want him to be ready for us! Mom and Dad just have a few more things to get ready. My cousins are coming this weekend for a wrestling tournament, so I am excited to see them. I am having a really great time back at school and doing just fine.

Ciao for now


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