Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Still an Only Child...

And that's good news! Mom and Dad peeled me out of bed before 7am to go to the hospital, I sure wasn't too happy about getting up that early, but I survived. I was really good while we waited around and read some books and listened to my headphones. Finally, the doctor came and we got to take a very long look at my brother. His legs are folded up in his face and he was busy playing with his toes. We couldn't see much of his face behind all his arms and legs, but we could see some chubby cheeks poking out. The good news is that things should hold off for at least another week and he will have more time to grow. I am really, really excited to be a big sister, but I want to make sure I have a healthy brother to play with. I also really do NOT want to be at the hospital when he comes out (I prefer to be with my Nana Vicki), so I was glad he didn't have to come out today. I am happy to come visit, but I made sure to tell mom that I will come AFTER he comes out. I guess mom should not have let me watch part of that birth story on TV, nice move mom! I better get back to helping dad put the swing together. Have a good week and stay warm. I have some Valentine projects to start this week.



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