Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, December 28, 2006

2006, A Year in Pics

Started off the New Year in the USA then back to France for lots of basketball play....

In February, I was looking quite keen and working on walking with my gangsta lean

During the month of March we travelled around. Colliseums, towers and pasta were found!

April brought Easter, hiking and sun. Who knew blowing up Peeps could be so much fun!

In the month of May there were more travels for us, the Queen, the States and a double-decker bus!

Back to France for the month of June, we drove down South to play in the beaches and dunes

Our Suitcases and boxes were packed in July, with tears and excitement, we said goodbye!

In August I discovered the States are fun, too. Museums, zoos and boating were all things I could do!

I started off September at the age of 3, I went to school, gymnastics and playgroup, whoopee!

In October I worked on my backstroke; I dressed up like a tiger AND a bumble-bee, no joke!

In November I worked on the farm with my dad, Uncle Adam came back from Iraq and we were so glad!

December was all full of excitiment & snow! Christmas, parties and even Elmo!

I hope I have half this much fun in 2007!


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