Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Is it Christmas NOW? How 'bout now? Now? Right now?

The anxiety and anticipation are gradually coming to a peak these last few dragging days. Our tree seems to explode more and more everyday with presents that either A) Aren't for me OR B) I can't open yet. The torture! Actually, I've done pretty well. The roofers were here to fix a few shingles today though and I truly thought it was Santa on the roof at 10 am. Mom said they were just getting it ready so it was extra strong to hold him and his sleigh. I had a great morning at gymnastics. Mom will have to take video sometime. I really can do some cool flips on the low bar and some slick moves on the balance beam. I gave out goodie bags to all the kids in my class and saved one for myself. I took a nice long nap today so mom could finish up the baking. Tomorrow we have to fight the crowds for a couple last things and then Dad will take me out Friday to shop a bit for mom. I told her she is getting a Christmas tree for Christmas. She didn't sound that excited, maybe because we already have one? Happy Christmas Countdowning to you all...

Maybe pouting will work



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