Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Welcome Back

Hi there. I hope everyone is gearing up for Thanksgiving. Remember, don't put your jeans in the dryer this week! We are getting ready here. Mom is off to the store today and will start getting things ready. I am going to have a party at school today. I had a nice weekend and a nice visit with Nicole. She always plays with me and it is nice to have her around. I had fun watching the Bears with Dad on Sunday. Mom is feeling good and hit the 7 month mark this week. Baby brother is very busy and very squirmy, but that is good!

Mom just heard from Nana Vicki a few minutes ago that Uncle Adam landed safely back at Fort Campbell at 10:00 this morning. He his happy to be back, he slept the whole flight and feels pretty good. They will make their way here tomorrow afternoon and stay until Friday...hooray!

I need to get dressed for school now. Have a great week!


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