Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Morning After...

After my candy free-for-all yesterday, I just couldn't understand why mom wouldn't let me have it for breakfast. After all, I had it for snack, dinner and dessert yesterday! I mean, come on! Who says Halloween has to be just one day. And it would be a pity to let all that good candy go to waste....or worse yet, fall into the wrong hands! I guess I better stash it somehwere safe! I did really well my first night trick or treating. We hit about 10 houses. I was so cold by the end that I couldn't really hold on to my bag well, I really should've had gloves on! The people in my neighborhood were VERY generous and I made out pretty well. We only had a handful on people ring our doorbell...not the 50 mom was prepared for. I guess that is what happens when you live on the only street filled with more empty houses than full ones. So dad took the leftovers to work -- actually, he immediately put them in his car because mom was dipping in the bowl everytime she walked by. We definitely established that baby brother likes chocolate and even has a little chocolate dance down pat. So today, I am off to burn some calories at gymnastics and then take it easy the rest of the day. We plan to head to WI for Friday and Saturday and then go see the D's later in the weekend. Grandpa D needs help farming and Dad is taking off Friday from work (hopefully)!.

Remember to taper of the sugar is easier on your system that way!



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