Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Put on your 3-D goggles...

Hi. I had a very nice weekend. Everything went well and I made it to Nana Vicki's Friday afternoon. I saw a little snow and had fun playing there. On Saturday, I got to go to McDonald's before we met mom back in Dixon. Mom and Dad had fun in Chicago. The 3-D sono went really well and baby brother was in the perfect position for pictures. He still has a lot of growing to do, but it is fun to get an idea of what he will look like. They had a nice get-away and a good dinner downtown with Nicole. We made it back home Saturday night and did some stuff around the house today. We are having playgroup here tomorrow and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends. Maybe later this week, Dad can try to upload the video we have of baby brother. Have a good week!


Oh boy, we're what do we do?


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