Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, November 16, 2006

So it has been a slow news week...

I know, I know. We sure get in a routine here and don't do much these days that compares to hiking in the Alpes or climbing the Vatican basillica. I mean do you really want to hear about me going to the local library and checking out a book from 1972? Because if you do, well that's what I did today. The only things older than the books at that place are the librarians! Mom picked up a new project for me today while I was at school. I had fun painting these little plastic suncatchers. This morning, mom and I started organizing baby brother's room and washing some of his clothes. We still don't have bedding picked out and are always on the lookout. I had fun at school, as always. Tomorrow, we are going to hang out here and wait for the contractor to fix a couple doors. This weekend, Nicole is coming to visit us. Uncle Adam is slowly making his way back from Iraq. Last we heard, he is in Ku"wait", waiting to fly home. He should be back Sunday and then here for Thanksgiving next week. In other non-related news, a couple people have asked to see what the dining room ended up looking like, so here it is. The curtains are still tacked up until the rod comes tomorrow. Slowly but surely, this house is coming together. Word around here is that Dad will be armed and dangerous this weekend and will be starting work on our basement -- alert the ER now! Just kidding Dad...but seriously, don't lose another finger, ok?

Have a good weekend!


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very cool 3-D sono--1st time I've seen one like that--amazing! Also, like your dining room--very pretty!


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