Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Baking with Baby

Today was the first time Mom attempted to bake something with Zach. It went fairly well. Zach did not like having to dump the bananas and applesauce in the bowl and he really did not like having to put the muffins in the oven. He has separation issues, and of course is too young to grasp the concept of baking something before you eat it. The muffins going in the oven resulted in a 2 minute long temper tantrum...complete with throwing himself on the floor and screaming. But that's ok. It's a starting point. Each time *should* get easier.

I had to be picked up at school this afternoon. Fever is back. Mom has it too. And now the muffins probably have it as well. Hopefully, I can get rid of it once and for all.

Being the second child, Zach doesn't get as much air time as me, so here's a little video of him just being Zach. It's a little long. As you surely can gather, he doesn't like babies, good thing there are no plans for anymore around here.

Oh! And a very happy April Fools Day to you today. Mom wasn't up to her usual pranks this year, but I had some fun at school!



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