Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day Six -- Goodbye Sunshine!

We were not very excited to head home, other than seeing Zach that is. Tink had left me one last gift, a princess box to put all of my belongings in.

We checked out around 9am and hopped on the Magical Express Bus to Orlando International. Mom and I cried pretty hard on the way to the airport, we really were sad to go. It is so awesome that they took our bags at the hotel and gave us our boarding passes in advance. All we had to do was to go through security and get on the plane! Very simple and nice after a long week of planning and fretting over details. Our flight was delayed by 40 minutes, but we made up the time in the air and had a decent flight. It was quite bumpy and Mom gets really nervous, so she was pretty frazzled. We got our bags, found our car and paid for parking (ouch!). We then got to sit in Chicago traffic for nearly 90 minutes. I slept through it, but Mom and Dad were very frustrated. We finally made it back to Grandma's at 7pm. Zach was SO happy to see us! He wasn't there yet, but when they got back to the house from dinner, he gave us all hugs.

We spent the night there and got back to our house Saturday morning. Dad stayed up to help farm. It was the least he could do for Grandma and Grandpa. Zach was a good boy for them and other than a little cabin fever, he did just fine. Grandma is going to miss her little buddy, that's for sure. So we're home now, doing laundry, unpacking and playing with the new toys. Zach got a monkey from Animal Kingdom, but he's afraid of it, go figure!

I had a magical trip and really enjoyed alone time with Mom and Dad. I hope we get to go back soon, this time, with Zach of course!


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