Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ms. Wonka and the Sugar Factory

What happens when a 4 year old shakes a bag filled with powdered sugar over and over? Well, the bag eventually gives way and *POOF*, its a powdered sugar explosion. It looked like an explosion! To shake the extra sugar off the "puppy chow", I was in charge of sifting it. I thought this was great fun to put my hand under the sifter and lick the sugar off. Who needs puppy chow when you can have straight up sugar?

We've been doing lots of baking this week. We had a cookie exchange at playgroup and I made out like a bandit. School has been busy with lots of Holiday activities, too. Today is our quiet day and hopefully I'll have some time to do some crafts and just relax with a Christmas movie or two. It is my last night of French tonight. We're not going back next year because it is a bit far away and the class is moving to a later time, too late for me. Plus, there are 2 other boys in my class and they are a bit rambunctious, and that kind of takes away from my learning. I told Mom I want to do swimming instead.

Better go take a bath, I have a couple days of dirt on me, blech!



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