Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Nina, The Pinta....ok, just the Nina.

Sniffles and colds don't slow us Dotys down. The genuine, official, authentic, imitation Nina replica was docked at the Riverfront for viewing this week. We climbed aboard and snuck in on the classroom tour in progress. I had fun pretending it was a pirate ship, but Mom kept telling me it wasn't. Turns out SHE was wrong...snap! The guy said the original Nina was actually stolen by pirates back in the day and she was used for looting and all sorts of deviant piratey things. The boat was cool, hard to believe 32 people & various livestock lived on that little boat for months on end. Mom tried giving me a history lesson prior to going, but it is kind of hard for me to understand what 500 years ago really means. I know the dinosaurs lived 50 million years ago, so maybe it was close to then? Nonetheless, I learned a little about ol' Chirstopher and his journeys. Bonus for me there was a park close by and mom let us play since it was just mildly chilly out. It was a fun morning, I didn't even complain about getting schleped to the mall afterwards.

Better go catch zzzzs before French class tonight!

Au Revoir, or as Columbus would say, Adios, or Ciao, or one really is for certain which language he spoke.

Say Ahoy!

These nice girls gave me a lift on the zip cord thingy



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