Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Cabin Fever

Hi all. I had a fun-tabulous weekend. We jumpstarted it early with an unplanned trip to WI. Zach needed his 4mo shots and mom likes the Green County health dept better than the inefficient one down here. CAT may build tractors, but thanks to ever rising health-care costs, they don't cover our shots, so we have to go elsewhere. So we zoomed up to Monroe on Thursday. Bonus for me since I got to see my family there, swim at the pool and play. Nana took off work, so I had lots of attention. Cousin Tara gave me an awesome set of books and a cool toy for Zach. We're so lucky to have so many people that love to spend time with us.

On Saturday, we drove to the cabin and had a LONG day of boating and eating. It was my cousin's 13th bday, so we had cake and festivities. I loved watching Uncle D water ski and the grown-ups ride the innertubes. I am Dad's first mate on the boat every time! Mom wasn't too keen on letting me in the river, but I just HAD to take a dip, so I floated around with cousins for awhile. I had my first s'more that I can recall. Although Mom is now having deja vu about another s'more blog posting, so maybe not. I didn't really like my marshmallows a la flambe, so I opted to eat them out of the bag instead. Uncle D brought a truck load of sparklers and no one was hurt. My cousins and I had fun playing and I was exhausted when it was all said and done. Zach finally got to meet some of his cousins on the Dad's side and was pretty content considering he had eight deactivated viruses floating around his little body. Nana bought him a kick-butt new exersaucer that we took with us. This kid has more toys than Farm n' Fleet at Christmas...and that's a lot of toys!

Hope your weekend was grand. We have no hot plans for the 4th yet....we may go to the cabin and hijack the boat while Gma and Gpa are gone for the week. Zach has yet to take a boat ride though, so we'll see if he's up for it. This will be my first 4th of July in the USA, so we hope to do something special!

Later taters!

"I'm gonna grab her hair in TWO seconds..hee, hee, hee!"


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