Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Who's Up for some Cherryoke?

I was fortunate enough to be born to wonderful parents who will take me to cheesy carnivals with stale popcorn, expensive/unsafe carnie rides, LOUD music, and loads of mullet-heads only to see the smiles and squeals of sheer joy on my face. We visited the Washington Cherry Festival last night and had a hoot of a time. I rode some rides, ate tons of junk food and watched some fireworks. We had to wait for the Cherryoke competition to end before the fireworks started. Talk about American Idol gone bad! We also had some cherry pie and cherry cheesecake. Much like Cheese Days, there was a consistent food-based theme running throughout the evening. Zach was a little freaked out to say the very least. He did NOT like the loud noises and masses of people. Mom had to carry him the whole time, but he finally calmed down and even rode the ferris wheel with Mom and I! He didn't even flinch for the fireworks (go figure) and he ended up having lots of fun.

Today, Mom took us to Lincoln to visit Nicole and her nephew, Justin. Justin is SO much fun and has all these cool battery operated vehicles for us to ride in! I told Mom maybe Nana would get ME one for my birthday (hint, hint)! I had a blast with Justin and hope I get to see him again soon.

Dad is telling me it is time for bed. Hope your having a fab weekend. See you soon!



It's like a Kentucky Waterfall

Us and Nicole


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