Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, June 18, 2007

King for a Day

Hi there. Hope you had a great weekend. I know I did. We had loads of fun. On Friday, I met a new friend named Jack. We had dinner at his house and he had all sorts of really cool toys. We headed to Monroe that night. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't right for the balloons to go up. I did get to see them light up on the ground, and that was pretty cool! I really didn't like it when we got up close, though. The fire scared me quite a bit. I don't think I'll ride in one anytime soon. I got to spend the whole day with Dad on Sunday. We went to Aunt Corrie's for a cookout, but we had to leave early so we could get home at a decent hour. Dad had to pack his bags for his trip today. I will miss him lots, but I am glad we had a nice weekend together. I got him a really cool card for Father's Day and he wore the crown all morning. It said "King of the Castle". Which means I am the little princess, whoopee!

I have my diggin' for dinos class coming up on Wednesday. I am SO excited about that! Otherwise, it looks to be a pretty routine week until Dad gets home.

Have a great week!


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