Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, January 27, 2006


I was very excited to be hosting playgroup at my house this morning....even if there were 5 boys scheduled to come between the ages of 1-3 and I was going to be the only girl. We made very-berry muffins last night and mommy spent yesterday cleaning out the caca-germs to make our house a sanitary haven for them. But then....we woke up and the roads were covered in snow! Heaven forbid a French snowplow should make it out before 8:30 am. Daddy had to turn around and come steal mommy's car since it has the snow tires. It was only a couple inches, but enough to wreck havoc on French society. If only they had to deal with the freezing rain and blizzards like back home...ooh la la! I woke up and asked "friends come to party, eat muffins?"....but mommy said "no, not today, too much snow"! So instead, we went out and made a tiny little snowman out of the 2 inches of snow that covered the muddy ground. We even made a "corn-cob pipe" out of a TP roll and a stick. There were about 30 frozen mole hills we kept tripping over that made things a bit difficult, I wonder how those moles get around in the frozen ground?!? We came in and had cocoa at 11am, which was a treat for so early in the day. Then we did some activity books...I am pretty good with my alphabet, so we're working on phonics now. We also did a counting book that I enjoy. I hope tomorrow we can go get a sled if the weather cooperates. Maybe we can reschedule playgroup for next week. Ben and Gabi are supposed to come over tonight if they aren't sick anymore. Bon weekend a tous!!! ~Katherine


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