Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, January 20, 2006

Floaty-girl at la Flottibule

Daddy blew off work to go ski, so we decided to have some fun ourselves. Today, mommy took me swimming at a place called Flottibule. We just found out about it today and wished we had known about it sooner! We got really lost driving there, but it was worth it. There was a baby pool just for me and a big pool for both of us. There was also a separate lap pool, so we weren't in the way like last time. There was even a gianormous slide that mommy took me down for the first and probably the last time. I clung to her like white on rice! Mommy wishes she had a camera to take a pic of my face on the way down. I looked something like a scared cat. When we plunged in the bottom, mommy held me up so I didn't get wet, but that made her go all the way under and the splash scared me. I said no more of that, let's stick to the wading pool! The pool has open windows all around so we felt like we were bathing in the sun and kept warm. It was beautiful to swim with the mountains all around us. I can't wait to go back again!


Daddy's skiing on those mountains behind us!


At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Maybe this summer you can go to Noah's Ark with Ryan, Eric and me. I think you would have a great time there!


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