Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

Hi Everyone. I hope you had a very nice holiday season. We have been really busy. Last week we headed to Illinois after Christmas. We visited some friends in Chicago and then went to our town. We stayed in a hotel and I got to swim in the pool! We looked at some houses in the area and we got very excited to think about moving home. I saw lots of people and was really happy to see my friends Ryan and Leah for a little bit. On Friday, we headed back to my Gramma Ds house for a few days and I was able to see my cousins again. My daddy flies back to France went so fast! He is ready to go back and get back to work, but we miss him. Here are a few pictures of my busy week. So far, the New Year is off to a great start!

Sledding with Ashley

Swimming at the hotel

Christmas party to go to!

Mommy, Tara, Carly and Ian at Christmas

Putting out cookies for Santa

What a grinch face!

Christmas Morning



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