Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Mes Peintures

Yesterday was a great day! I felt 100% better and finally ate something. I painted these pictures with fingerpaints and sponge paints. Feel free to post some title ideas....I just call them paint! Today, both daddy and I woke up sick again. He stayed home from work and I stayed home from school. Both of our bellies hurt. Mommy was a bit smug that she managed to stay healthy....until about 4pm today when she felt the tummy-rumblies as well. So now we are all kind of icky, although I seem to feel better after a rough morning. Better to get it now than when I was home visiting in the States, right? Have a good humpday. ~Katherine


At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purple one kind of looks like a turkey!

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the purple one looks like a dragon and the other one looks
like a peacock. They are very good, be sure to save them for your next showing. Nana Vicki


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