Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, January 23, 2006

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk?

All that junk goes in a trunk! My lovely little toys, my toys, my toys, my toys, my toys....check it out! This weekend was devoted to the creation of a toy room. There is so much room in the living area now that it feels really empty. I think mommy needs to get some furniture or plants. I had a rough day today. Got the stomach flu. I upchucked at school and then again during my nap. I woke up and said "look mommy, I sick!". All my stuffed animals were sick, too. Mommy is getting tired of cleaning up puke around here....between certain friends that can't handle their liqour and little girls getting gastro, it is always puke-fest around here. I sure feel better when I get it out though! I watched Bambi today, I really liked it. I passed out here in the toyroom before dinner. I'm actually still laying there now AND typing this at the same time! Neat, huh? Hope your feeling better than me, but don't worry, I bounce back quick! ~Katherine

"V" is for Virus or Vomit

Being sick sure wears a girl out.


At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you feeling better????


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