Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Baby Homework

We were playing school today. I sit there and Mom tells me what to do. Gee, not much different than anything else around here! Today I had to write the alphabet in lowercase. Man, those "q"s are tricky. Zach got in on school today. We taped a little piece of paper to the table and let him scribble. All fun and games till he went to rub his eyes and still had the crayon in his hand. Ouchers.

Speaking of eyes, went to the eye doctor today. Guess who needs glasses? Bummer. Mom is pretty sad. We'll go pick out some frames this week. Mom had a hunch that something was up and she was right. I'm about 20/60 and will need them for reading and school.

Poop sandwich! (Mind you, if I ever actually said poop sandwich, I would be the middle of a spanking sandwich)


At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the glasses K! But they are so cute nowadays you need not worry. I'm sure your Dad won't be happy to hear that boys still make passes at girls who wear glasses.

Mom, is that a fancy Tripp Trap seat? Do you like it? Looks awesome


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