Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, April 14, 2008

Protective Eyewear is Advisable

Zach has been a little picky lately at mealtime (gee, I wonder where he learned that?). Mom let him try using a fork the other day and it seemed to work for the time being. Hopefully the novelty won't wear off too soon and he'll keep at it! As you can see, things get a bit messy and baths in the kitchen sink are becoming more frequent with his new skills.

I had a quiet weekend at home with Mom and Dad. Got some new kicks at the shoe store the other day. I even scored the light-up Dora tennis shoes that Mom swore she'd never buy, but they were on clearance and you know Mom can't pass up a deal. I love it when Dad is around to play with me on the weekends. He lets me eat his junky cereal that I don't get the other 5 days of the week.

I've got a busy week going on. Had a birthday party this morning, school and then we're having playgroup here on Wednesday. I haven't been eating without whining lately, so my dinos are locked up in the basement closet. I sure hope I get them back by Wednesday. I have to prove to Dad that I can eat in a timely manner first. If only I could have hot dogs and chicken nuggets every meal, there would never be a problem!

Hope you had a fabou weekend!


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