Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, April 04, 2008

Dayzed and not-so-confusted

Check out what a great job I did writing up to 30 yesterday! I wrote every number by myself, I just needed a reminder from Mom about the order now and then. Once she explained that it was like a pattern, that clicked with me and I was able to figure out the rest on my own. I like doing my calendar each month and seeing what fun things are coming up.

Speaking of FUN, I haven't had a whole lot to chat about the past week. The blog has been a bit neglected. In fact, I'm not sure what it's fate will be if I start school in the fall. Zach can maybe spice it up a bit. So the past week has been eventful in a different sort of way. Mom took us to see the Horton film a week ago Thursday. It was Zach's first movie. He did really well in the movie booster seat and was pretty content as long as he was getting a steady supply of snacks. I liked the movie a lot and tried to write a book about it when we got home. On that same day, before the movie, Mom fell going UP the stairs, twisted her foot and was pretty darn funny since she had to hop around like a one-legged rabbit that night. She had x-rays the next day and things were fine. We had painters here this week. They repainted everything except our bedrooms. It is nice to have them gone and have the house back to ourselves. I loved giving them a lesson on dinos though, I wouldn't stop chatting their ears off. Zach was very afraid of them and would NOT nap as long as they were around. Guess he was being the man of the house and making sure they did a good job.

We're talking about Hawaii at school right now, so if anyone wants to contribute a trip for my family so I can better learn about Hawaiian culture, please feel free. You should see my hula dance, I got some superfly moves going on.

Looks like we'll be heading North this weekend if Dad decides to go help get farm equipment ready with Gramps. Should be a nice weekend and fun to get out.

Zach is pretty busy and it is hard to get him to sit still long enough for a photo. He doesn't stop to play much either. He just walks, and walks and walks. He threw my croc in the toilet the other day. He has a funny shoe obsession and we find slippers and shoes in every corner of the house. He's a handful, but boy do we have so much fun together. Every morning I play in his crib with him until Mom decides to roll out of bed. What would she do without me?

Better grab some grub before school. Have a fab weekend!



At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that if you can write up to thirty...even with a little help, you are kindergarten ready!:)

~Ashley :)


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