Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Shhh...I have a secret!

The past few days have been unexplicably busy. Mom had a Dr appt Monday and we were treated to a surprise peak at the baby. The Dr wants to do a sono every month from here on out. So I got to see it rub its eyes and kick around. And YES we also were clued in to another surprise! The tech had to write the gender down in an envelope and we couldn't open it for FIVE hours until Dad came home! I think we're going to wait to tell people in person, but I was very happy to find out what the baby is! In the meantime, here are a couple non-gender specific pics.

School went well yesterday and I drew a nice picture of my family. I did really well at gymnastics today and remembered quite a few "moves" from last week. I have quite the snazzy leotard collection building up in my room.

Tonight, we have to go look at MORE furniture....argh! And then we need to get ready for our trip to WI on Friday. It is my FIRST Cheese Days ever and I'm sure I'll have a blast. Gotta try these cheese curd things mom has been going on and on about!

Well, time for my nap. See you soon!

Pent up energy?

Streeeech it out!

Got a package from Auntie Leah!

Rockin' the velour leotard


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