Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Uh...I think we need a bigger house....

For all these boxes! Just kidding, I bet we'll find room. Our stuff came yesterday and appears to be in good shape so far. We have to keep lots in the garage until the basement is finished off. Mom is going to work on getting my room put together today. Her and I went shopping while dad and the movers did the hard work. Then I came back and helped put stuff in its new home. We still have some new furniture to get, but this house is slowly starting to look like a home. When I saw it all here, I said "Hooray, Katherine's house is here"! That's the first time I called it my house, so I guess I'm warming up to this place after all.

Whoa, what a mess!

Heh, heh...look what dad left out, Oreos!


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