Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, September 09, 2006

But I don't really think we should sell the garage....

Yesterday and today I helped mom with our garage sale. We didn't sell much and thankfully, no one bought the garage. I had better luck hocking brownies to strangers than she did selling old stuff. The brownies were from a *gasp* box *gasp*, but we didn't tell anyone. I took my brownie money and bought a new book at the store today. Mom used her money to buy a box of steaks...yuck!! Dad went to Grandma D's to fix the brakes on our car. Then tomorrow, he is watching football with Uncle D., so it is just me and mom this weekend. We rented some movies (a first!) and then went out for a little dinner. I think tomorrow we may go see the movie Cars. School went a little better Thursday. I didn't really cry, even though I stated every two minutes from the moment I got up that I did not want to go to school. I ended up having fun as usual and made some new pals.

Hope you all are having a garrooovy weekend.


Brownies for sale!


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