Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

But I don't WANNA go to school!

Unfortunately, there are no cute pics of my first day of preschool to share. Let's just say the concept of leaving mom didn't go well with me. There was a lot of screaming, a lot of crying and a lot of tears. But can you blame me? Life has been a bit topsy-turvy these past few months. When mom came back to get me, I told her how I "love school" and made new friends named Ashley and Katie (that's too bizarre, mom has to check that out for accuracy!). I made some cool projects and had fruit loops for a snack. That's a change from France snack time for sure!

So all I have to share with you are pics from my weekend. I had a BLAST at Mr Chuck E Cheese's place and then I had fun with Nana and Papa this weekend. We did some outside work, swam at the hotel pool and of course, ate a bit too much. On Labour Day we went furniture shopping, but that was snooze-ville for me!



At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that just proves that she hangs out with the cool kids in school :)


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