Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, September 01, 2006

I mean cute AM I?

Today was glamour shots day if you want to call it that. Mom figured it was about time to get some photos done and once the new baby comes, you know I'll probably be forgotten about. The photos here are "raw" and not the nice, touched up ones that the photographer lets you take home. The quality is poor so that way clever mom doesn't try to print them off herself. Don't fret though, mom made sure to get plenty of extras to go around. There were 80 poses to chose from that mom had to narrow down to 8! I picked out the pink dress and mom picked out the one from Aunt Debbie. The deal was if I was good, we got to go to McDonald's afterwards. I was VERY good and enjoyed my Chicken Nugs. I am excited for tonight...we are going to Chucky Cheese with my friends Katie, Erin and Nikki (They lived in France with me). Then tomorrow, we finally get to pick up mom's new SUV and then Nana and Papa come to see me for the weekend.

A bientot a tous


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